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Good Anger, out June 2025, explores the history and hidden power of the most misunderstood emotion we have.


In recent years we have become much more accepting of difficult human emotions, but one remains taboo: anger. Afraid of the disharmony it can create, we disapprove of it in others and do our best to squash it down within ourselves.


But this approach takes a terrible toll on our physical and mental health. Unresolved anger is a major and often overlooked factor in anxiety and depression. By avoiding our anger, we deny ourselves the gifts it can offer of clarity and purpose, dignity and self-respect, energy and strength.


In Good Anger, journalist Sam Parker argues we need a radical rethink of what anger is and what it Is for. Drawing on insights from ancient philosophy, business leaders, artists, athletes and cutting- edge psychology and emotional science, he investigates how we can harness anger to improve every facet of our lives, from professional success to creative projects to our relationships with loved ones and – ultimately – ourselves.


Why, after all this time, do we still conflate anger with violence and aggression? How does repressed anger show up in our bodies? Why do we still think of anger in a gendered way? Is the internet making matters worse? And, in a world increasingly dominated by stress and conflict, can understanding our anger better paradoxically make us more peaceful and tolerant of others?


This provocative and counterintuitive book is for people-pleasers, conflict-avoiders and self- improvers everywhere. It’s a timely reminder that understanding the more challenging parts of ourselves can help us live fuller, happier lives.

Good Anger (cover TBC) is out June 2025, and can be preordered on now.


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